Silentype printer, 1980 for Apple // & Apple
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The Apple Silentype printer, Model: A2M0032
was the first printer produced by the company,
released in June 1979 for US$599 [1], at the same
time as the Apple II+. It is a thermal printer,
and it uses special paper provided on a roll which
is placed underneath a cover at the rear of the
printer. It is a relatively small printer, though
it provides 80 column output. When used with the
Apple III, the Silentype printer was plugged into
joystick port-A, which it could share with other
devices. (Info Source: Jeff's Computer Haven Home Page)
The SilenType printer needs its own specially
designed interface card, or an Apple III with
the built in Silentype port. It is mechanically
identical to Trendcom's Model 200, except for
the Apple logo in the lower left corner of the
front cover, but the internal digital board was
completely redesigned by Apple, removing the relatively
expensive microprocessor and memory chips, relying
on software in the Apple II instead. It was succeeded
by the Apple Dot Matrix Printer, released in October
1982 for US$699.
A company named Trendcom made two printers that
were significant in the history of the Apple II.
They had two models, the 100 and the 200. Instead
of using the mechanics solenoids that drove pins
in a print head, these were thermal printers that
needed a special heat-sensitive paper. Their operation
was very quiet, about as loud as sliding your
finger across a piece of paper. They were inexpensive
compared to other printers of the day (most of
which cost over $1,000), although the printing
looked very much like that produced by a dot-matrix
printer. The Trendcom Model 100 printed 40 characters
per line on paper that was about 4 1/2 inches
wide. The Model 200 could print 80 columns per
line on paper 8 1/2 inches wide. Compared to the
first printer offered by Radio Shack for their
TRS-80 computer (which was also a thermal printer
but used an ugly silver paper), the Trendcom printers
were very nice.
The significance of the Trendcom printer was
that Apple chose it as the first printer they
released under the Apple name. It could be programmed
to control printing of each dot in a column, and
so was ideal as an inexpensive means of printing
Apple II hi-res graphics. Apple included a special
interface card and released the printer as the
"Apple Silentype" in June 1980 for $599.
It was identical to Trendcom's Model 200 except
for the Apple logo in the lower left corner of
the front cover.[11] One legend suggests that
part of the popularity of this printer at Apple
stemmed from the fact that its small size allowed
it to fit under the seat of Steve Wozniak's private
Read the Apple tec. sheed
1 and sheed
2 about the Silentype printer. (courtesy of
External Links:
Apple Silentype Printer
- Apples erster Drucker ! - 
Hier finden Sie weitere
Apple & Mac Raritäten zum Kauf.
Hier bieten Sie auf einen Original Apple Silentype
Termodrucker für den Kultrechner Apple II,
Apple//e, Apple III, produziert im Juni 1980 für
einen Preis von $599. Dieser Drucker ist der erste
Drucker der von Apple verkauft wurde. Der Druckkopf
ist leider beschädigt. Der Drucker wird daher
als defekt verkauft, für die Vitrine ist
er aber super, er ist recht klein (er hatte nur
80 Zeichen breite...) und ist in sehr gutem optischen
Zustand. Eine Rolle des originalen Termopapiers
wird mitgeliefert. Am Apple III konnte man den
Drucker direkt am joystick port-A einstecken.

Great optical condition. In sehr gutem optischem

Serial number: 009485 - one of the first 10.000
Apple Printer. Einer der ersten Apple Drucker.

The printer with the roll of paper and a copy
of the technical sheed from Apple.
Der Drucker mit dem Papier und einer Kopie des
technischen Datenblattes.

Das Silentype Thermopapier. - 
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