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Sad Mac error codes for Macintosh. From the Apple Technical Information Library.
View the english SadMac Error list.

Zur deutschen Beschreibung

Because the Macintosh is a complex operating system, the problems a user encounters can be equally complex.

These are example of some problems that may occur:

* A handle can be de-referenced.
* A routine can get a NIL pointer.
* The stack can dip into the heap for just a few cycles and not be caught by the stack sniffer.
* An application can forget to check an error code.

A Macintosh usually crashes with a system error code while running under System 6.0.x. System 7 changed the way errors are displayed instead of displaying an error code, it translates the code to the appropriate words, like "Address Error".

Dear collectors: it is a Macintosh SE 800k for sell!

The bootup code in the Macintosh contains a series of startup tests that are run to ensure that the fundamental operations of the machine are working properly. If any of those tests fail, a Sad Mac icon appears on the screen with a code below that describes what failure occurred. Here is a typical example of a Sad Mac display with an error code below it:


The two codes are actually the contents of the two CPU data registers D6 and D7. The upper word (upper 4 hex digits, in this case 0546) of D7 contains miscellaneous flags that are used by the start-up test routines and are unimportant to just about everybody except a few test engineers within Apple. The lower word of D7 is the major error code. The major error code identifies the general area the test routines were in when a failure occurred. D6 is the minor error and usually contains additional information about the failure, something like a failed bit mask.


The major error is further broken into the upper byte that contains the number of any 68000 exception that occurred ($00 meaning that no exception occurred), and the lower byte that usually contains the test that was being run at the time of failure. If an unexpected exception occurred during a particular test, then the exception number is logically ORed into the major error code. This way both the exception that occurred as well as the test that was running can be decoded from the major error code:


In this example, the code says that an address error exception ($0200) occurred during the RAM test for Bank A ($03); $0200 ORed with $03 = $0203.

The table below explains the codes.

Sad Mac...

Deutsche Info: Wenn das "Sad Mac" Gesicht mit schwarzem Hintergrund gleich nach dem Start des Macintosh auftaucht, liegt ein Hardware Problem im Rechner vor. Meist ist es ein RAM SIMM oder HardDrive (Festplatten) Problem.

Tasten Symbole: Apfel/Befehl = ; Wahl = ; Umschalt = ; Control =

Wenn der "Happy Mac" und der "Willkommen" Screen vor dem "Sad Mac" Screen erscheinen, liegt das Problem an der installierten Systemsoftware. Versuchen Sie das System mit "Erste Hilfe" von der Disktools Diskette des Systems zu reparieren. Verursachen inkompatible Systemerweiterungen den Fehler? Dann starten Sie ihren Macintosh neu und halten dabei die "Umschalt" -Taste gedrückt halten, um den Mac ohne Systemerweiterungen zu starten.

Ist die PRAM-Batterie noch in Ordnung? Typisches erstes Symptom einer leer werdenden Batterie ist eine falschgehende Systemuhr. PRAM-Batterien gibt es im Elektronik- oder Macintosh-Handel. Neue Batterie in den Rechner einbauen, PRAM löschen. Danach die Tastenkombination "Apfeltaste" + ALT-Taste + P + R" gleichzeitig drücken und einen Neustart durchführen.

Schreibtischdatei in Ordnung? Sie kann neu aufgebaut werden, wenn die Tastenkombination "Apfeltaste" + ALT-Taste beim Neustart ständig gedrückt bleibt.

Wenn das alles nicht hilft, installieren Sie ein neues System. Sichern Sie vorher Ihre Kontrollfelder und Systemerweiterungen aus dem System Ordner. Nach der System Installation achten Sie beim installieren der Kontrollfelder & Erweiterungen darauf, ob das Problem wieder auftaucht. Dann resultiert das Problem von einem oder mehreren Kontrollfeldern oder Systemerweiterungen.

Die folgende "Sad Mac Error Code Liste" ist bisher nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt, aber Englisch ist ja auch nicht so schwer... Diese Liste gilt ab dem Mac SE, wenn Sie ein Problem mit einem alten Mac Plus, 512k oder 128k haben, klicken Sie bitte hier.

Source: und

Apple and 68K Macintosh Forum at
Apple and 68K Macintosh Forum at


01 Bus Error

The computer tried to access memory that doesn't exist. Do not buy extra RAM to solve this problem. Computers always try to use more RAM than they have, just like users always want to store 40 GB of data on a 20 GB disk. You can get this error on almost any Macintosh. If one of these computers tried to access one or more bytes beyond the total number of bytes in RAM, you see a bus error. You should never see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, because address references that are out of bounds "roll over". This means if one of these computers tries to access one byte beyond the total bytes in RAM, it actually accesses the first byte in memory. If you see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, it's reporting the wrong error or having hardware problems.

02 Address Error

Your Mac tried to read data from an incorrect memory adress. This is a fairly common error, presumably because the processor in Macs has to read a lot of data all the time. To keep the Mac from reading data, switch it off. This will get rid of the error. The Motorola 68000 microprocessor can access memory in increments of one byte (8 bits), one word (16 bits), or one long word (32 bits). The microprocessor can access a byte of information at an odd or even memory address. But it must access a word or long word at an even memory address. So, when the microprocessor attempts to read or write a word or long word at an odd address, you see this error. Since that's a 50/50 proposition when running random code, this one shows up quite often.

03 Illegal Instruction

Your Mac tried to execute an instruction that isn't in its vocabulary. Fortunately your Mac cannot be taken away from you or emprisoned because of the use of illegal instructions. The computer has a specific vocabulary of machine language instructions it can understand. If a computer tries to execute an instruction that isn't in its vocabulary, you see this error code. It's less likely than error 02, but still very common.

04 Zero Divide

The computer tried to divide a number by zero. In school, I learned that this is not possible. It beats me why Macs still try this. This error results if the microprocessor divides two numbers, and the divisor is zero. Sometimes a programmer puts these in as debugging aids, and then forgets to take them out.

05 Range Check Error

The CPU tried to check if a number is within a certain range. This error indicates that the number tested isn't in the specified range. PostScript RIPs can generate more or less the same error but at least you do not have to reboot them. Programmers can use an instruction in the Motorola 68000 to check if a number is within a certain range. This error indicates that the number tested isn't in the specified range.

06 Overflow

Each number stored in a computer is given a certain amount of space. The larger the number, the more space is needed to represent the number. An overflow condition results if a generated number is too big for its allotted space. Maybe you tried to calculate how much money you would have made if you had bought Apple shares back in 1984? Each number stored in a computer is given a certain amount of space. The larger the number, the more space is needed to represent the number. An overflow condition results if a generated number is too big for its allotted space. A Motorola 68000 instruction tests for an overflow condition, and displays this error if it detects an overflow.

07 Privilege Violation

The Macintosh CPU can run in both user and supervisor mode. The Mac should run in Supervisor mode, but sometimes is placed in User mode. Some of the instructions can only be executed in Supervisor mode. If the computer attempts one of these instructions while in User mode, a Privilege Violation error results. This error does not occur on communist Macs. The Motorola 68000 runs in Supervisor or User mode. The Macintosh should always be in Supervisor mode, but sometimes is placed in User mode. Some of the instructions can only be executed in Supervisor mode. If the computer attempts one of these instructions while in User mode, a Privilege Violation error results.

08 Trace Mode Error

A tracer is a little application programmers use to trace what is happening in an application. Something went wrond with it. So this error does not indicate that you are being traced by the government, the IRS or aliens. Yet. A programmer can use a runtime debugger while in Trace mode. This allows tracing through a program one instruction at a time. You see this error if a debugger isn't installed and the 68000 is accidentally placed in Trace mode.

09-10 Line 1010 and 1111 Trap

There are many routines in the Macintosh ROM that can be called by placing instructions in a program that aren't in the 68000's vocabulary. When the 68000 encounters such an instruction, it looks it up in the instruction table. This table gives the location of routines paired with each instruction. If it finds an entry in the table for the instruction, it branches to the routine. If there's no entry for the instruction, you see one of these errors. I reread the Apple information on this error three times and still don't understand a word of it. Wasn't this supposed to be a user friendly computer? Why does it even have error codes?

11 Miscellaneous Hardware Exception Error... oh damn...

A Type 11 error is listed as a hardware exception error. However, As with all Macintosh Type xx errors, they usually do not identify a particular software or hardware component error. Type xx errors are more general in nature. You may see more Type 11 errors on a Power Macintosh computer because of problems with the software-based 68k emulator. The emulator allows the RISC processor to run older Macintosh software. If the emulator gets corrupted while loading into RAM, then some of the failures caused by this are reported as Type 11 or Hardware Exception errors. The emulator can get corrupted by either incompatible software or faulty ardware. Troubleshooting Type 11 Errors.

Click here to view article: Power Macintosh: Meaning of Error Type 11 (7/96)
Click here to view article: Power Macintosh: Type 11 & No FPU Errors Technote (7/96)

12 Unimplemented Core Routine

Error 12 occurs when no debugger is installed. Stop playing around with beta software.. A programmer might set breakpoints in parts of a program to inspect for errors. This requires using a debugger. If a debugger isn't installed when a breakpoint occurs, you see this error code. A programmer might set breakpoints in parts of a program to inspect for errors.

13 Uninstalled interrupt

The Macintosh uses an interrupt to identify when devices like keyboards and disk drives need service. Routines must be available in memory to tell the computer how to service the device. If those routines aren't available, you see this error.The Macintosh uses an interrupt to identify when devices like keyboards and disk drives need service. Routines must be available in memory to tell the computer how to service the device. If those routines aren't available, you see this error.

15 Segment Loaded Error

Macintosh programs are broken up into segments, and each program will always have at least one segment. Multiple segments allow loading parts of the program into memory to provide more room for data in internal RAM. The segment loader is responsible for loading a needed segment into RAM. If the segment loader can't do this, you'll see this error. Macintosh programs are broken up into segments, and each program will always have at least one segment. Multiple segments allow loading parts of the program into memory to provide more room for data in internal RAM. The segment loader is responsible for loading a needed segment into RAM. If the segment loader can't do this, you'll see this error.

17 to 24 Packages 0-7 not present

Software modules are missing or corrupted. You probably have a damaged System file. The Macintosh uses packages to do specific tasks. Some of the packages are International Utilities, Binary-Decimal Conversion, Standard File Utilities, and Disk Initialization. These packages are located in the System file. If you get these errors, you probably have a damaged System file. Error codes 15, 16, 26, 27, 30, and 31 also come up when the System file is damaged. Try replacing the System file.

25 Memory Full

You have run out of RAM. Go to the local nerd palace and buy some more. But you also can get this error when an earlier error causes the Macintosh to falsely detect an out-of-memory condition.

26 Bad Program Launch

The Macintosh couldn't execute the application opened.

27 File System Map trashed

Let's reinstall everything and see if this one shows up again.

28 Stack ran into Heap

This is similar to the Memory Full error. It's a good idea to save your work frequently, and keep current backups of your hard disk data. When a system crash does occur, you'll lose less data if you've taken these precautions.

30 Disk insertion error

Did you try to insert a disk into an iMac?

31 No disk insertion

Apple specifically decided to ditch the diskdrive on recent Macs to try and get rid of this error message. It seems like they succeeded.

32-53 Memory manager editor

Beats me. Most managers I know have a bad memory.

41 The file named Finder could not be found on the disk

Are you one of those people who trash the system folder because it does not contain any file that you created?


Data input-output errors

-1 qErr queue element not found during deletion "OR" -1 smTruncErr Truncation indicator alone is wider than the specified width

-2 vTypErr invalid queue element

-3 corErr core routine number out of range

-4 unimpErr unimplemented core routine

-5 SlpTypeErr invalid queue element

-8 seNoDB no debugger installed to handle debugger command Color Manager Errors

-9 iTabPurgErr from Color2Index/ITabMatch

-10 noColMatch from Color2Index/ITabMatch

-11 qAllocErr from MakeITable

-12 tblAllocErr from MakeITable

-13 overRun from MakeITable

-14 noRoomErr from MakeITable

-15 seOutOfRange from SetEntry

-16 seProtErr from SetEntry

-17 i2CRangeErr from SetEntry

-18 gdBadDev from SetEntry

-19 reRangeErr from SetEntry

-20 seInvRequest from SetEntry

-21 seNoMemErr from SetEntry

Data input-output errors

-17 Can't perform requested control procedure

-18 Can't perform requested status procedure

-19 Can't read

-20 Can't write

-21 Device or driver unknown

-22 Device or driver unknown

-23 Driver not opened for requested read write

-25 Attempt to remove open driver

-26 Driver resource missing

-27 Input or output request aborted

-28 Driver not open

File error messages

-33 Directory full

-34 Disk full: all Allocation blocks on volume full

-35 No such drive

-36 I/O error

-37 Bad name: perhaps zero length

-38 File not open

-39 End of file reached while reading

-40 Attempt to position before start of file

-42 Too many files open

-43 File not found

-44 Volume physically locked

-45 File locked

-46 Volume locked by software flag

-47 File busy: attempt to delete open file(s)

-48 Duplicate file name

-49 File already open for writing

-50 Error getting file position

-51 Attempted to use improper file path

-52 Error getting file position

-53 Disk ejected or volume off-line

-54 Attempt to open locked file for writing

-55 Volume already mounted and on-line

-56 No such drive

-57 Not a Macintosh disk: volume lackes Macinotsk directory

-58 External file system error

-59 Problem during rename

-60 Bad clock on master directory: must reinitialize volume

-61 Writing not allowed

Disk error messages

These error messages are related to disks (hard disks, floppies,..)

-64 Drive disconnected

-65 No disk inserted

-66 Disk seems blank

-67 Can't find address mark

-68 Verification of read failed

-69 Bad address mark

-70 Bad address mark

-71 Missing data mark

-72 Bad data mark

-73 Bad data mark

-74 Write underrun occurred

-75 Drive error

-76 Can't find track 0

-77 Can't initialize disk controller chip

-78 Tried to read side 2 of disk in single-sided drive

-79 Can't correctly adjust disk speed

-80 Drive error

-81 Can't find sector

AppleTalk error codes

AppleTalk (ATP) is the Macintosh system software that handles networking.

-91 Socket already active or not known

-92 Data-size error

-93 Bridge between two Appletalk networks missing

-94 Protocol error

-95 Can't get clear signal to send

-97 Can't open driver because port already in use

-98 Can't open driver because port not set for connection

Scrap error messages

-100 Clipboard not initialized

-102 Scrap doesn't contain data of type requested

Memory error codes

-108 Not enough room in heap zone

-109 NIL master point

-111 Attempt to use free block

-112 Attempt to pulgc locked block

-117 Block is locked

-119 Application is not compatible with MacOS 9

HFS errors

-120 dirNFErr Directory not found

-121 tmwdoErr No free WDCB available

-122 badMovErr Move into offspring error

-123 wrgVolTypErr Not an HFS volume [wrong volume type error or (obsolete) operation not supported for MFS]

-124 volGoneErr Server volume has been disconnected.

-125 updPixMemErr Insufficient memory to update a pixmap

-127 fsDSIntErr Internal file system error

Menu Manager Errors

-126 dsMBarNFnd System error code for MBDF not found

-127 dsHMenuFindErr Couldn't find HMenu's parent in MenuKey

-128 userCanceledErr User canceled an operation HFS FileID Errors

-130 fidNotFound no file thread exists

-131 fidNotAFile directory specified

-132 fidExists file ID already exists

Color QuickDraw and Color Manager Errors

-147 regionTooBigError Region too big or complex

-148 pixMapTooBigErr Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel [passed pixelmap is too large]

-149 notEnoughStack Not enough stack space for the necessary buffers "OR"

-149 mfStackErr Insufficient stack

-150 cMatchErr Color2Index failed to find an index

-151 cTempMemErr Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures

-152 cNoMemErr Failed to allocate memory for structure

-153 cRangeErr Range error on colorTable request

-154 cProtectErr ColorTable entry protection violation

-155 cDevErr Invalid type of graphics device

-156 cResErr Invalid resolution for MakeITable

-157 cDepthErr Invalid pixel depth

-158 cParmErr Invalid parameter

Resource errors (other than IO)

-185 badExtResource Extended resource has a bad format.

-186 CantDecompress Resource bent ("the bends") can't decompress a compressed resource

-188 resourceInMemory Resource already in memory

-189 writingPastEnd Writing past end of file

-190 inputOutOfBounds Offset or count out of bounds

-192 Resource not found

-193 Resource file not found

-194 Unable to add resource

-195 Unable to remove resource

-196 rmvResFailed RmveResource failed

-197 rmvRefFailed RmveReference failed

-198 resAttrErr Attribute inconsistent with operation

-199 mapReadErr Map inconsistent with operation

Sound Manager Errors

-200 noHardware Required sound hardware not available [no hardware support for the specified synthesizer]

-201 notEnoughHardware Insufficient hardware available [no more channels for the specified synthesizer]

-203 queueFull No room in the queue

-204 resProblem Problem loading the resource

-205 badChannel Channel is corrupt or unusable [invalid channel queue length]

-206 badFormat Resource is corrupt or unusable [handle to 'snd ' resource was invalid]

-207 notEnoughBufferSpace Insufficient memory available

-208 badFileFormat File is corrupt or unusable, or not AIFF or AIFF-C

-209 channel Channel is busy

-210 buffersTooSmall Buffer is too small

-211 channelNotBusy Channel not currently used

-212 noMoreRealTime Not enough CPU time available

-213 badParam A parameter is incorrect

-220 siNoSoundInHardware No sound input hardware available

-221 siBadSoundInDevice Invalid sound input device

-222 siNoBufferSpecified No buffer specified

-223 siInvalidCompression Invalid compression type

-224 siHardDiskTooSlow Hard drive too slow to record

-225 siInvalidSampleRate Invalid sample rate

-226 siInvalidSampleSize Invalid sample size

-227 siDeviceBusyErr Sound input device is busy

-228 siBadDeviceName Invalid device name

-229 siBadRefNum Invalid reference number

-230 siInputDeviceErr Input device hardware failure

-231 siUnknownInfoType Unknown type of information

-232 siUnknownQuality Unknown quality

MIDI Manager Errors

-250 midiNoClientErr no client with that ID found

-251 midiNoPortErr no port with that ID found

-252 midiTooManyPortsErr too many ports already installed in the system

-253 midiTooManyConsErr too many connections made

-254 midiVConnectErr pending virtual connection created

-255 midiVConnectMade pending virtual connection resolved

-256 midiVConnectRmvd pending virtual connection removed

-257 midiNoConErr no connection exists between specified ports

-258 midiWriteErr couldn't write to all connected ports

-259 midiNameLenErr name supplied is longer than 31 characters

-260 midiDupIDErr duplicate client ID

-261 midiInvalidCmdErr command not supported for port type

AppleTalk error codes

AppleTalk is the Macintosh system software that handles networking.

-3101 buf2SmallErr Packet too large for buffer; partial data returned

-3102 noMPPErr No MPP error

-3103 ckSumErr Check sum error

-3104 extractErr Extration error

-3105 readQErr Read queue error

-3106 atpLenErr ATP length error

-3107 atpBadRsp ATP bad response error

-3108 recNotFnd Record not found

-3109 sktClosedErr Socket closed error

Print Manager

These error messages are related to printing. I have encountered -4100 errors from time to time myself.

-4096 No free connect control blocks available

-4097 Bad connection reference number

-4098 Request already active

-4099 Write request too big

-4100 Connection just closed

-4101 Printer not found, or closed

AFP error codes

-5000 afpAccessDenied AFP Access Denied

-5001 afpAuthContinue AFP Authorization continue

-5002 afpBadUAM AFP Bad UAM

-5003 afpBadVersNum AFP Bad version number

-5004 afpBitmapErr AFP Bit map error

-5005 afpCantMove AFP Can't move error

-5006 afpDenyConflict AFP Deny Conflict

-5007 afpDirNotEmpty AFP Directory not empty

-5008 afpDiskFull AFP Disk Full

-5009 afpEoErr AFP End-of-File error

-5010 afpFileBusy AFP File Busy

-5011 afpFlatVo AFP Flat Volume

-5012 afpItemNotFounnd AFP Information not found

-5013 afpLockErr AFP Lock Error

-5014 afpMiscErr AFP Misc Error

-5015 afpNoMoreLocks AFP No More Locks

-5016 afpNoServer AFP No Server

-5017 afpObjectExists AFP Object already exists

-5018 afpObjectNotFound AFP Object not found

-5019 afpParmErr AFP Parm Error

-5020 afpRangeNotLocked AFP Range not locked

-5021 afpRangeOverlap AFP Range overlap

-5022 afpSessClosed AFP Session closed

-5023 afpUserNotAuth AFP User not authorized

-5024 afpCallNotSuported AFP Call not supported

-5025 afpObjectTypeErr AFP Object type error

-5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen AFP Too many files open

-5027 afpServerGoingDown AFP Server going down

-5028 afpCantRename AFP Can't Rename

-5029 afpDirNotFound AFP Directory not found

-5030 afpIconTypeErr Size of new icon and one it replaces doesn't match

-5031 afpVolLocked Volume is Read-Only

-5032 afpObjectLocked Object is M/R/D/W inhibited

SysEnvirons error messages

-5500 envNotPresent SysEnvirons trap not present - returned by glue

-5501 envBadVers Version non-positve

-5502 envVersTooBig Version bigger than call can handle

Gestalt error codes

-5550 gestaltUnknownErr Could not obtain the response

-5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr Undefinred selector

-5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr Selector already exists

-5553 gestaltLocationErr Funtion not in system heap


LaserWriter Driver error codes

These error messages are related to printing. -8133 is a bit of a classic, since the Mac uses this number to identify every possibe PostScript error.

-8133 General PostScript Error

-8150 No LaserWriter chosen

-8151 Version mismatch between LaserPrep dictionaries. Remember the LaserPrep wars of some 10 years ago?

-8150 No LaserPrep dictionary installed

-8160 Zoom scale factor out of range

PictInfo error codes

-11000 pictInfoVersionErr Version number not zero

-11001 pictInfoIDErr Invalid PictInfo ID

-11002 pictInfoVerbErr Invalid verb combination specified

-11003 cantLoadPickMethodErr Custom pisk method not in resource chain

-11004 colorsRequestedErr Number out of range or greater than passed to NewPictInfo

-11005 pictureDataErr Invalid picture data

Power Manager error codes

-13000 pmBusyErr: Power Manager IC stuck busy

-13001 pmReplyTOErr: Timed out waiting to begin reply handshake

-13002 pmSendStartErr: Power Manager IC did not finish handshake

-13003 pmSendEndErr: During send, Power Manager did not finish handshake

-13004 pmRecvStartErr: During receive, Power Manager did not start handshake

-13005 pmRecvEndErr: During receive, Power Manager did not finish handshake

MacTCP error codes

-23000 ipBadLapErr Bad network configuration

-23001 ipBadCnfgErr Bad IP configuration error

-23002 ipNoCnfgErr Missing IP of LAP configuration error

-23003 ipLoadErr Error in MacTCP load

-23004 ipBadAddr Error in getting address

-23005 connectionClosing Connection in closing

-23006 invalidLength

-23007 connectionExists Request conflicts with existing connection

-23008 connectionDoesntExist Connection doesn't exist

-23009 insufficientResources Insufficient resources to perform request

-23010 invalidStreamPtr

-23011 streamAlreadyOpen

-23012 connectionTerminated

-23013 invalidBufPtr

-23014 invaildRDS

-23014 invaildWDS

-23015 openFailed

-23016 commandTimeout

-23017 duplicateSocket

-23030 ipOpenProtErr Can't open new protocol, table full

-23031 ipCloseProtErr Can't find protocol to close

-23032 ipDontFragErr Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting

-23033 ipDestDeadErr Destination not responding

-23034 ipBadWDSErr Error in WDS format

-23035 icmpEchoTimeoutErr ICMP echo timed-out

-23036 ipNoFragMemErr No memory to send fragmented pkt

-23037 ipRouteErr Can't route packet off-net

-23041 nameSyntaxErr

-23042 cacheFault

-23043 noResultProc

-23044 noNameServer

-23045 authNameErr

-23046 noAnsErr

-23047 dnErr

-23048 outofMemory

Primary or secondary init code errors

-32769 svTempDisable Temporarily disable card but run primary init

-32640 svDisabled Reserve

-32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables

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